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Flyboy Film Productions

Flyboy Films TV 


Ellsworth Hall: Shubian

Shubian's Rift 

"Star Trek meets
The DaVinci Code

- Boulevard Denim
Update  10/7/2016


See how it the premiere went at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts, Newnan, GA.
 Click HERE!

Performing Arts Center


Director Joseph M. Dwyer has relocated his editing suite and is back at work editing. Work has resumed on the post-production of the remaining two episodes of the Shubian's Rift saga.

Editing is heavily underway as each scene is compiled and edited together. As well as that aspect is going, due to an actor substitution, refilming of those particular scenes involving this character will need to commence soon.

Stay tuned for further updates as they become available. Director/editor Joseph Dwyer appreciates the all the ongoing interest in the series.

Revelations cover

At long last, the long awaited and much anticipated sequel to Volume 1 of Shubian's Rift is published and ready. Revelations picks up where the first book ended, providing answers that our faithful readers were hoping for, but producing as many new questions as to how this exciting saga will continue to unfold. Available on Amazon for $12.95, it will soon be available on Kindle, and followed by Nook. It is also available on this website, in our store for only $10.00. Cover by Robert Brun.



Shubian's Rift - the novel Celebrated authors Joe Dwyer and James Cambas, writiers of "Shubian's Rift" were featured once again at the Newnan Healthmart in Newnan, Georgia on April 19th, from 11 to 2PM. Both were there to represent both the novel and the full-length feature film of the same title. 

Their address is 15 Baker Road, Suite 2, next to Domino's Pizza.  The "Shubian's Rift" Novel, DVD, and Soundtrack can be found on the shelf next to James Cambas's science fiction literary entry, "Among Us".

signing poster


Yes, the Krieger is so large that the E.C.C. Journeyman can fit inside!

Krieger launch bay

Journeyman inside Krieger launch bay


Joseph M. Dwyer directed the science fiction epics from his own scripts. The productions boast a cast which includes of some of the southeast's leading theatrical stars including Scott Pollak, Dale Lyles, David Dorrell, and Stan Gentry. A complete cast listing which can be found on the About page.

Ellsworth Hall created the orchestral score (with the vibrant sounds of the Czech Philharmonic courtesy of Miroslav Vitous) and sound effects. He also provided camera work, 3D animation / title sequences and scripting.

Production Designer Robert Brun  created the DragonPhoenix logo and the screen graphics seen in the production as well as the poster art. He has also designed the DVD packaging including the inserts and the DVD disc artwork itself.

Shubian's Rift  sci-Fi mini-series

The original movie (with all brand new CGI) has been divided into 3 episodes for Flyboy Films TV:

Episode 1 - "All The Voyage Of Their Life"
Episode 2 - "Once More Unto The Breach"
Episode 3 - "A Peace Is Of The Nature of A Conquest"

"O Captain! My Captain!"  (a.k.a.
"Failed Diplomacy")
Episode 4 of the TV mini-series premiered at Imagicon in May 2010. It may be viewed along with the first three episodes at  flyboyfilms.tv

Episode 5 "For Beauty Is A Witch Whose Charms Faith Melteth Into Blood" and episode 6 
What Powerful But Unrecorded Race" are in the special effects design and editing stage.  Music composition has also begun.

Joseph Dwyer directs on the bridge set

2/12/2012 - Joseph Dwyer directs KC and Scott Pollak (Mo O'Hara and Capt. Shubian) along with Brian Mann and Jeff Allen (
Gunner Diesel and F.O. Matt Compton) in a tense scene on the bridge of the ECC Journeyman from "What Powerful But Unrecorded Race."

Captain Shubian

Kris Berryer and Mark Davies as shuttle pilots Kris and Marty Hall. Mark appears with Cobra helicopter pilot Steve Peters in a cockpit sequence shot at Robins AFB on August 18, 2009.

George Stover as Holichek

Cult actor George Stover appears in the sequel as Commander Holinchek.

Shubian's Rift - the novelization Shubian's Rift - The Novel is now available as a Nookbook at Barnes and Noble
and paperback at Amazon.com

Shubian's Rift
motion picture sound track CD

The CD of Ellsworth Hall's orchestral score (with the vibrant sounds of the Czech Philharmonic courtesy of Miroslav Vitous) is available now at CD Baby.

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Scenes from the upcoming Flyboy Film Productions epic Lamp of Conscience are featured in the latest Aethellis video, "Northumbria (excerpt)."

A peace is of the nature of a conquest; for then both parties nobly are subdued, and neither party loser.
- William Shakespeare

He meets some fragments huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place.

Horace Smith

All website contents © 2003 - 2014 Joseph M. Dwyer / Flyboy Film Productions except where noted otherwise.